World Of Warships Manual Torpedo Drop Mac
- Jun 30, 2018 World of Warships. This is something that happens to both torpedo bombers and normal bombers from tier 4 to tier 10 no matter what faction they belong to. If you want to avoid it you either need to counter the enemy fighters or just get out of range of the defensive aa for about 30 sec.
- World of Warships: The Hidden Controls Andrew Sturgis 2015-06-12 World of Warships is a very intuitive game to anyone familiar with the recent military war-machine series or a first person shooter; it uses standard WASD controls for movement with the mouse controlling the camera, aiming, and firing.
- Jan 15, 2017 Manual drops are the most devastating, but for IJN some auto drop if they are coming from two/three angles meaning 3+ torpedoes may hit that vessel. Personally the only time i ever select auto drop is when a squadron takes off and the CV is being smashed and i want the squadron to try and kill something after the CV is down.
- World Of Warships aircraft carrier manual torpedo guide. A Beginner's Guide to Aircraft Carrier Gameplay. The game play of CVs is obviously completely different from other ships.
Aug 27, 2015 Manual torpedo drops are overpowered - especially at mid and low tiers (6 and under.) (self.WorldOfWarships) submitted 3 years ago by deleted.Caveat, I only have up to tier 6 BB, Warspite, Fuso, Kongo, New York, Arkansas Beta.). Rip last thread, got nuked before it was 4 hours old Special thanks to ItchiCrotchi for being my demonstration victim (3), and MikeHuntz for finding out about this. Purpose: This tactic will allow you to manually drop torpedoes on a border-rider with high accuracy, allowing 2-3 torp hits per IJN. Jun 25, 2018 HI guys, Im no more able to drop manual torpedo by aircraft using the ALT command. Ive always used without problems.I have had some months of break and now that Im playing again I have this strange issue.maybe some updates? When I select an airplane and I press the ALT button nothing happen.
*Caveat, I only have up to tier 6 BB, Warspite, Fuso, Kongo, New York, Arkansas Beta.)
There I said it, someone is now going to call me a noob that doesn't know how to dodge torps,after several months in this game and hundreds of torpedo encounters from destroyers, cruisers and carriers - the biggest offender by far is the carriers. Torpedoes from destroyers and cruisers only punish bad play, and reinforce good play. Torpedoes from carriers do nothing but take away from the enjoyment of a battle and bring it down to the astronomically small chance that the opponent CV pilot is a complete and utter moron and can't actually figure out how torpedo bombers work.
Yes, I'm the natural prey for torpedo bombers, being a Battleship and all - but even as I turn into the torpedoes (and open myself up to the opponent I've been dueling with for the last five minutes) I know that I won't escape damage, or death - because a manual drop is going to eat somewhere between half, and most of my life total of fourty to seventy thousand HP. It's absolutely disgusting and there is nothing I can do but turn - AA is mostly ineffective against a half-decent carrier pilot in a lower or same tier CV; and a higher tier CV can - with impunity, maybe lose a bomber or two, still deal absolutely massive and crippling damage. Oh, and then there is flooding. One minute and forty seconds draining away health in the dozen of thousands of points.
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So, I see a few reasonable ways to re-balance CV's (and some other torpedo ladden craft I could mention) that won't break the game and make CV unplayable - but will at least make it so that a battleship player trying to enjoy the game doesn't need to rage quit every 2 minutes because a fresh wave of torpedo bombers is on its way over.
One: Reduce the damage done by torpedoes.
Two: Increase the spread.
Three: Increase the time to rearm bombers - torpedo bombers especially.
As it is, a manual drop is a death sentence to most battleship pilots - even good ones. I can't dodge a manual drop in my Warspite with a full turn into them starting as soon as I see them at 10KM, with rudder shift upgrade. And I still get sunk by a Langley's squadron of bombers simply because I could do nothing but turn. I couldn't engage the enemy I was dueling with, I couldn't turn fast enough to avoid the bombers - manual drops completely make battleships irrelevant as battleships.
What makes this even more disgusting, even in my Cleveland with all the AA upgrades I can get, and using the AA ability, high tier CV's with 2 or more squadrons completely devastate that as well with manual drops. Staying with the group doesn't work - because players are factually unreliable and often make poor decisions which cause you even more damage.
The last time, I was sunk by destroyer or cruiser torpedoes was a few nights ago, because I forgot IJP cruisers had Torpedoes while dueling with a Atago, New Mexico and Kongo.
The time before that was a month ago, because I didn't know the Atlanta had torpedoes - but at least I can turn into those because I can see them coming - not watch them get dropped on me from a row-boat length away with zero time to turn into or away from them.
The time before that, was the end of the CBT when I grounded myself on an island and ate a torpedo spread - because my steering got knocked out and I at least managed to kill the offending Kaze' that launched them at me.
So call me a salty bastard, a bad player, or just a whinny curmudgeon. But game after game, day after day, I see otherwise good players die to one or two half-decent manual drops a few minutes into a game. I got to fire 3 salvos in my last game, because I had to constantly turn away from torpedo bombers until the enemy player got bored of watching me spin in circles and landed three torps into my body - while I was under constant fire from the enemy cruisers and battleships.
World Of Warships Manual Torpedo Drop Mac Mini
How fun.