Mac Airbook Manual

The MacBook Air achieved a score of 286 on this test, compared with 611 for the Asus ZenBook S, which boasts a much more powerful Intel Core i5-8250U with four cores and eight threads. ‎MacBook Air Essentials provides all the information you need to set up and start using your new MacBook Air. Learn about the hardware and included apps, plus tips to help you get the most of out your MacBook Air and macOS. The MacBook Air remains an excellent choice for students and other macOS fans with basic computing needs, but it will disappoint power users with its low-resolution display and outdated processor.

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To save time and prevent wear and tear on your computer, don’t turn your Mac on and off; put your Mac into Sleep mode instead. When you put your Mac to sleep, it shuts down every part of your computer, and the computer runs on a bare minimum of power. Gimp user manual for mac download. Manual head alignment canon pixma ts9120 on a mac download. When you touch the keyboard or click the mouse button, the computer wakes up so you can use it right away.

To put your Mac to sleep manually, choose one of the following two actions:

  • Choose the Apple key→Sleep. (The Apple menu appears in the upper-left corner of the screen.)

  • Press the Control+Eject (or press the power button) and, when a dialog box appears, click the Sleep button.

If you have a laptop, a faster way to put your Mac to sleep is to simply close its lid. When a laptop is sleeping, you can safely move it.

Macbook Air Manual

To wake up a sleeping Mac, just click the mouse button or tap any key. (To keep from accidentally typing any characters into any currently running program, press a noncharacter key, such as one of the arrow keys.)